Friday, July 19, 2013

Morals gone sour by Oliver Onuoha

The recognition of same-sex marriages is a political, social, moral, and religious issue in many nations, whereby civil, equal, and human rights are pertinent. Debates arise over whether same-sex couples should be allowed to enter into marriage.
It is unimaginable and weird as to how this moral indecency has taken over and gone viral whereby most churches now see nothing wrong in this abominable act which the bible condemns and I quote “Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination”.
Where are our moral values? Where is the fear of God in these last days? Do we even expect that Christ will come again and the world will one day come to an end and all souls return to their maker?
The united States of America which I was once proud of and loved the slogan on its powerful currency, “In God We trust’ seems to be the chief culprit and forerunner in the establishment of gay right as enthroned in their Federal Constitution.  Most countries in South America, Europe and even Africa have established gay rights as a legal form of marriage. Australia recognizes same-sex marriages only if one partner has had gender reassignment therapy.
A prominent gay rights activist in Cameroon Eric Ohena Lembembe, was recently found tortured and killed in his home, amid claims the authorities have systematically ignored similar attacks in the country.
Some analysts state that financial, psychological and physical well-being are enhanced by marriage, and that children of same-sex couples benefit from being raised by two parents within a legally recognized union supported by society's institutions
I wonder if we now have fewer women around or men or the women are now too hard to get, vise versa.
Sex is a beautiful act created by God between a man and a woman and not the reverse which opposes to gay rights. Let me tell you a story. I was in a club with a friend who visited me in South Africa. While having our drinks and enjoying the evening, a guy came dancing and eyeing me from nowhere. He tried flirting with me as a normal lady would. I had ignored him with a stern look and he got the message and walked away.  I would say even animals that are not sensible as we humans are don’t even involve in this abominable referred to as been gay.
This is a clear sign that the world is ending and people have become reprobates in nature.
I salute countries who frowns at homosexuality making it illegal es criminalising consensual sex between homosexual adults, and four punishing homosexuality by death.
In some countries, there are moves to increase criminal sanctions for homosexuality. Nigeria, which shares a border with Cameroon, has introduced a bill against gay marriage, while Ghana has reacted furiously to statements by the Britis prime minsiter, David Cameron, linking aid to a country's stance on homosexual rights.